How to run DONKEY KONG FOUNDRY on a mame machine (Mame cabinet)

by Dezbaz

Updated 18-Aug-2021

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1. There is a Multi Jamma game available here ( DON'T BUY IT - You won't need it)

2. It is Programmable using your PC, with software (menusys v 2.2 - 3.5 meg) (DON'T DOWNLOAD IT you don't need it)

3. You need to buy the foundry roms from the author for $5.00US (i.e. Pay, receive email, download) here (The file he sends you is called "")

4. Once you have the new roms from Jeff, the trick is to get them into the Mame machine, without buying the above Programmable Multi Jamma Board

5. Suppose you had an original jamma Donkey Kong Game, and you wanted to fit foundry roms. . . You would just remove the 4 relevant ROM chips and push in the 4 new ones, right?

6.  Well the same applies to the downloaded ROMS.  I.E. You rename the new ROMS and overwrite them into the donkey kong folder (Only works with the DKONG US Game ROM).

6a. i.e. . step by step . . . Unzip an original MAME file onto the desktop so you have a folder called "dkong".

6b. Make a NEW Folder called "dkongtemp" on the desktop.

7. Unzip the foundry roms file you bought into the dkongtemp folder, and you will have 4 files called dk_f.5at , dk_f.5bt , dk_f.5ct and  dk_f.5et

8. Rename foundry rom dk_f.5at with new name c_5at_g.bin

9. Rename foundry rom dk_f.5bt with new name c_5bt_g.bin

10. Rename foundry rom dk_f.5ct with new name c_5ct_g.bin

11. Rename foundry rom dk_f.5et with new name c_5et_g.bin

12. Place the 4 renamed files into the DKONG Folder at (6a) above, when asked "Do you want to replace the files", click "yes to all".

13. Re-Zip the amended "dkong" folder and you will have a file called "" on the desktop. Copy and paste this file into Mame or Mame32, in the existing "ROMS" Folder, same old thing, click "yes to all" if asked

13a. Run MAME 32, then go to "Audit all games" in MAME32, be patient as it takes a few minutes if you have thousands of games in there.

14. Now Donkey Kong will run through as follows: Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (foundry) instead of Level 1, 4, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4 etc

15.  NOTE: When you run MAME, there will be a Checksum error message, but the game will work. I am running it on Mame32 fine.

16. If using mame32, you will find DKONG in "All Games" category, rather than in "Working" or in "Available"  category, this is because something isn't as expected by MAME32, but it works - no problem

17. NOTE: The old version of the game will be history, so save a backup, incase you ever want it back

18. Email me if you need questions answered or for comments here

19. Email me (More importantly), if you know how to fix the checksum errors, and I will share it

20. My Personal Arcade and Mame Links Here

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