I was 14 years old in 1979,
so perfect timing for the release of Atari's Lunar Lander, followed by games
like Pacman & Crazy Kong
Like a lot of others, I was
Before we knew it the phase
was over, and that was that for about 15+ years
We had to settle for Play
Station or Nintendo consoles, or PC games
I loved Intellivision & C64
games, but they were no match for the real deal, like the 80s had
My brother bought an old
Crazy Kong machine, which could play Galaga and Commando as well. There was
a repairer in my home town, Perth, for when things went wrong
It was amazing to discover
there were more of these machines around, lots were from the mid to late
80s, but rarely would an old school machine come up for sale.
I found
Aussie Arcade, then
KLOV and
things skyrocketed from there.
With a military electronics
training (Mainly Analogue, little digital), I had the advantage of being
able to learn and understand these machines, to maybe one day fix them.
My first machine was an empty
generic machine, which I MAMEd. It was great. I then got a Pit fighter Cab.
Next I built a Pacman shaped
cab, which I fitted
Mikes 96 in 1 Pacman kit into
I repaired some Pacman PCBs
and got the bug. Then some Donkey Kong Boards etc
I found a few Asteroids cabs,
interstate, and had them shipped to Perth. One was far gone, so I
it to Lunar Lander, which never show up here in Australia
I now have Battlezone,
an Upright Star Wars, along with Crazy Climber cocktail, Donkey Kong
construction - for 10 years LOL)
I had a driving cab running
MAME, it was great,
and still own a
Pacman style cocktail machine
I owned and restored a Star Wars cockpit machine, I had to fix the monitor boards. This lead me
to having to manufacture the PCBs and mine were badly burnt up
The process of making other
bare PCBs grew from there.
I hope to return to Arcade
cabinet making one day, for my personal collection.
Thanks for reading |